Omnius Industrial Development Corporation (OIDC) is a truly multipurpose organisation performing diverse activities like housing, industrial estates, promoting tourism quality liquor, branded computers and providing raw material to the industrial units in the twin Union Territories of Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli. Unlike other states, where there are separate Govt. Corporations to look after these specific activities, these union territories have a single Corporation performing all these activities, thus avoiding multiplicity of government bodies. Recently OIDC has been declared as Infrastructure Development Corporation also and the Administration has entrusted all the big infrastructure projects to OIDC.
To participate in the E-tendering process of the OIDC, the Vendor has to register with Omnius Industrial Development Corporation through a Digital Signature Certificate, For enrolment details, Please Download Digital Certificate Form or Apply for Digital Signature Certificate.
Class - 2 / 3 Ind. Form
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Class - 2 / 3 Foreign Ind. Form
Class - 2 / 3 Foreign Org. Form is a leading Indian tender portal in providing tender bids and procurement related information. collects all kind of tender's information right from Government, Semi Government, Corporate Sector, Private Sector, PSUs, NGOs, state, city and local bodies and provide it to the Companies across the World. View latest online e-procurement tenders of OIDC in India, please log on