The Transport Department of Govt. of Gujarat is entrusted with the responsibility of providing an efficient public transportation system, control of vehicular pollution, registration of vehicles in Gujarat, issuance of Driving licences, issuance of various permits, collection of road taxes. The department also entrusted in policy-making, co-ordination, implementation, monitoring and regulatory functions of all the Transport related aspects of Gujarat. The Transport department functions under the provisions of section 213 of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. The Transport Department is primarily established for enforcement of the provisions of Motor Vehicles Act,1988, Gujarat Motor Vehicles Act,1989 and the rules framed under these two Acts.
To participate in the E-tendering process of the COTIG, the Vendor has to register with Commissioner Of Transport In Gujarat through a Digital Signature Certificate, For enrolment details, Please Download Digital Certificate Form or Apply for Digital Signature Certificate.
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