Corporation Bank is a public sector banking company headquartered in Mangalore, India. The bank has pan-India presence with 8,000 functional units comprising 3200 branches, 3200+ ATMs and 4,000 branchless banking units as of 30 January 2015. Started about 109 years ago in 1906, with an initial capital of just Rs.5000/-, Corporation Bank has recorded Rs. 3,27,294 Crore mark in business and even far more, with over 9339 service outlets across the nation, served by committed and dedicated 18,000 plus Corp Bankers.
To participate in the E-tendering process of the COB, the Vendor has to register with Corporation Bank through a Digital Signature Certificate, For enrolment details, Please Download Digital Certificate Form or Apply for Digital Signature Certificate.
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Class - 2 / 3 Foreign Org. Form is a leading Indian tender portal in providing tender bids and procurement related information. collects all kind of tender's information right from Government, Semi Government, Corporate Sector, Private Sector, PSUs, NGOs, state, city and local bodies and provide it to the Companies across the World. View latest online auction tenders of COB in India, please log on