Bahuchara Mata Temple Trust (BMTT)

(Digital Signature Certificate, e-Token and Vendor Registration Details)

Bahucharaji Temple is located in Bahucharaji town in Mehsana district of Gujarat, India. It is 110 km from Ahmedabad and 35 km west of Mahesana. The original temple complex was built in 1783 CE (AD). The temple is nicely decorated with stone carvings. Every year 1.5 million pilgrims visit this temple. Toda Mata (Bahuchara Mata) is located in Sankhalpur. The origin of Bahuchra Mata is situated at Varakhdiwala temple in Bahuchraji. Because Bhakta Vallabha Dhola wrote in his Aanand no Garbo the original place of Bahuchra Mata is situated at between Sankhalpur and Dedana village. The Toda Mata temple in Sankhalpur is 2 kilometers fare from Bahuchraji (Bahuchraji).

To participate in the E-tendering process of the BMTT, the Vendor has to register with Bahuchara Mata Temple Trust through a Digital Signature Certificate, For enrolment details, Please Download Digital Certificate Form or Apply for Digital Signature Certificate.

   Class - 2 / 3 Ind. Form
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   Class - 2 / 3 Foreign Ind. Form
   Class - 2 / 3 Foreign Org. Form

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