Paschim Gujarat Vij Company Limited (PGVCL)

(Digital Signature Certificate, e-Token and Vendor Registration Details)

Company is incorporated on 15th September, 2003 with certificate of business w.e.f. 15th October, 2003. Commercial operation of company is started on 1st April 2005. PGVCL is feeding electricity in 8 district of Gujarat namely Rajkot, Jamnagar, Junagadh, Porbandar, Bhuj, Bhavnagar, Surendranagar and Amreli covering total 83 Talukas. For better administration and consumers' conveniences, administrative area of company is divided in to total 11 and out of which 6 circles are under direct control of Corporate Office and 4 circles are under the control of Bhavnagar Zonal Office and 1 circle under the control of Bhuj Zonal Office. You may view Company Office Map for details.

To participate in the E-tendering process of the PGVCL, the Vendor has to register with Paschim Gujarat Vij Company Limited through a Digital Signature Certificate, For enrolment details, Please Download Digital Certificate Form or Apply for Digital Signature Certificate.

   Class - 2 / 3 Ind. Form
   Class - 2 / 3 Org. Form
   Class - 2 / 3 Foreign Ind. Form
   Class - 2 / 3 Foreign Org. Form

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